Posts by Nicolas Florth:
How to install multiple projects on a single Docker image
15th October 2024
The reason of choosing to run multiple projects on a single Docker image in front of XAMPP for local development On my local environment I used XAMPP for many years and it was good enough for the [...]
Tailwind downsides and where it disappoints
17th September 2024
In Tailwind, sizes for fonts and other characteristics are written in rems. If you don't like to use rems when a design is built on pixels (see more on this here), rems values can be calculated autom [...]
Best measure unit for web development is a combination of pixel and rem
30th July 2024
Read bellow to find out how to use px and rem as measure units in the best possible way As a web developer, web designer or if you work in the IT department, you definitely heard about pixels. [...]
A way of setting up Vite in a WordPress theme with Typescript and SASS
27th July 2024
Vite can be a great alternative to Webpack that sometimes can be difficult to setup and it needs a longer time to compile large amounts of code. In a previous article you can see that even Vite ca [...]
Vite might be faster but is not one tool for everything and it can be difficult to make it work with WordPress
19th July 2024
Being influenced by a work colleague to try Vite and because I know how much time I spent many times setting up Webpack especially when it was a major update I decided to give some time to setup Vite [...]
Why I don’t prefer and don’t recommend the use of CSS media query min-width
28th May 2022
CSS media query @media only screen and (max-width: *px) {} is used to apply different stylings for various screen sizes/resolutions They are easy to use by positioning the above code with the righ [...]
The downside of too much flexbox CSS
28th May 2022
In the last years the requirement for understanding and having experience with Flexbox CSS increased a lot on the web development jobs market. This will be because of a few good reason: Flexbox [...]
Cloud definition and how is working
22nd September 2020
Cloud is a general name given to a complex system created by services for data hosting, transportation, protection, caching and more that can deliver data with the help of the internet. The t [...]
Containers in software development compared with Virtual Machines
21st September 2020
What is a Container A container is a package or a building block created in a standard format, built to keep all the dependencies, configurations, hooks into the Operation System and the applicati [...]
The negative side of React and ES6 in general
1st July 2020
While React is a great framework, it can put down many developers and companies for many reasons. I will try to list a few negative sides I had to live with, along my experience with them. Tim [...]
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